El Capitan can auto-hide the menu bar |Apple Developer Forums

OS X El Capitan: Tips, tricks and hidden features Sep 30, 2015 Interface Tweaks for El Capitan | The Mac Security Blog In El Capitan, you can change the menu bar in several ways. You can eliminate its translucency, make it black, or set it to hide automatically. The translucency setting affects the menu bar, but also other interface elements, such as menus and some floating windows.

May 18, 2016

Well, within El Capitan, we can now also hide and show the menu bar at the top of the screen. To turn this on, visit System Preferences > General and toggle on “Automatically hide and show the

Oct 24, 2019

El Capitan apes Windows with a but Mac OS X 10.11 now lets you auto-hide the menu bar at the top of the interface in the same way as the dock at the bottom (or the side), giving you more room Top Secret Features in OS X El Capitan - Lifehacker OS X El Capitan doesn’t have a ton of landmark features, which means most of the cool stuff is under the hood. Let’s take a look at some of the lesser known features. OS X El Capitan: The Missing Manual [Book] The Best Tips, Tricks, & Hidden Features for Mac OS X El 5. Double-Click Windows to "Zoom" On Yosemite, in System Preferences -> Dock, there was an option to "Double-click a window's title bar to minimize" the window into the Dock.If it wasn't checked, the action would instead expand the window (or return to standard view).. In El Capitan, Apple clarified what action you have enabled with a drop-down box for "minimize" and "zoom."