Security Onion is a free and open source Linux distribution for threat hunting, enterprise security monitoring, and log management. It includes Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Snort, Suricata, Zeek (formerly known as Bro), Wazuh, Sguil, Squert, CyberChef, NetworkMiner, and many other security tools.

Aug 26, 2011 Qubes OS: A reasonably secure operating system XSAs 317, 319, 327, and 328 do not affect the security of Qubes OS Posted in Security on 2020-07-07 QSB #058: Insufficient cache write-back under VT-d (XSA-321) Posted in Security on 2020-07-07 Is Linux Mint a secure distribution? | InfoWorld Linux Mint and security problems. Some of the more common misunderstandings I have encountered recently have involved the Linux Mint distribution. Mint has been a popular project in recent 40 Linux Server Hardening Security Tips [2019 edition

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Jan 24, 2018

The first step for Linux security is selecting a “healthy” Linux distribution. There are many distributions, each with their own advantages. You may select the distribution on personal preferences, like who maintains it, how commercial it is, or which uses your preferred package manager.

Linux Mint and security problems. Some of the more common misunderstandings I have encountered recently have involved the Linux Mint distribution. Mint has been a popular project in recent